24 Ağustos 2022 Çarşamba
Additional Exams at the End of the Maximum Period
Since the 2017-2018 academic year, the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education has granted “Additional Examination Right for courses that have not been taken at the end of the maximum period or failed due to absenteeism” to Associate and Undergraduate students who have been dismissed or are in the process of dismissal due to completing the maximum period of study. In this context, the 1st Additional Exam and 2nd Additional Exam will be held for students who have completed their maximum periods. Students who will take the additional exam must apply to the Faculty e-mail address (ubf@tarsus.edu.tr) with a petition.
Click here for the Petition for Additional Examination at the End of the Maximum Period.
Examination Dates
1st Additional Exam 05-08 September 2022
2nd Additional Exam September 12-16, 2022