08 Kasım 2022 Salı
Dear Students,
We wish you success in your 2022-2023 academic year Fall Semester Midterm Exams and ask you to be sensitive to the rules to be followed in the exams.
1. Each student must take the exam in the announced exam hall.
2. Students must take their seats in the exam hall “at least five minutes” before the start time of the exam.
3. Students can enter the exam hall for the first 15 minutes after the exam starts. After 15 minutes, no student will be allowed into the exam hall.
4. Students cannot leave the exam hall for the first 20 minutes even if the exam is over.
5. Students must bring their “Student Identification Document” to the exam. Identity documents must remain on the desk during the exam.
6. The “Name-Surname and Student Number” on the exam papers must be filled in with a ballpoint or fountain pen before the exam starts.
7. During the exam, the cell phone must be turned OFF and the phones must be kept in an invisible place (It is against the exam rules to have the cell phone on silent, etc., and the student(s) who have the cell phone on them during the exam will be identified with a report and action will be taken against them). All responsibility for the cell phone belongs to the student.
8. If deemed necessary, the examiner/supervisors have the right to collect the cell phones from the students before or during the exam and keep them until the end of the exam.
9. Calculators to be used in the exams should have features that will only perform as many operations as the exam requires. The use of machines with advanced information storage and processing features such as data banks, etc., advanced calculators and pocket computers with features such as graphing, etc. are prohibited unless otherwise stated.
10. From the beginning of the exam, all warnings of the examiners/ invigilators must be taken into consideration by the student.
11. Invigilators are authorized to change the seating arrangement before and during the exam in order to maintain exam order. Students are required to comply with the invigilator's/ invigilator's requests for change of seating during the exam.
12. The writing on the desks must be cleaned by the students before the exam. No scribbling or writing should be done on the desks before or during the exam.
13. Students are not allowed to keep any books, documents, lecture notes, etc., related or unrelated to the exam in the desk, under the desk or in the book compartments during the exam (except for open-order exams). For this reason, these materials should be left in the places indicated by the invigilators before the exam.
14. Before the start of the exam, students are required to have tools and equipment such as pencils, erasers, rulers, calculators, tables, etc. that may be needed in the exam. It is forbidden to share any tools and equipment during the exam.
15. During the exam, students who show behaviors that disrupt the exam order, who continue these behaviors despite warnings, who cheat or attempt to cheat during the exam will be documented with a report to be kept by the proctor(s) and a disciplinary investigation will be initiated against the student(s) in question.
16. At the end of the exam, students must submit their exam papers in the order specified by the examiners/ invigilators and leave the exam hall quietly.
17. Students are not allowed to wait, talk or make noise in front of the classrooms where the exam is being held.
We wish all our students success in their exams.