03 Mart 2023 Cuma
Project Title: The level of social integration of Turkish immigrants living in the Netherlands to the Netherlands, their level of access to health services in the Netherlands and their access to health services
Determining the impact on buying tendencies in Turkey
Project Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şükrü Anıl TOYGAR
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department of Health Management
Research Institution: Maastricht University, Netherlands
Project Duration: 10 months
The framework of the research proposal consists of examining the tendency of immigrants to receive health services from their country of origin and the factors affecting these tendencies. Specifically, it focuses on the level of social integration of Turkish immigrants living in the Netherlands as a factor affecting their access to health services in the Netherlands and their tendency to seek health services in Turkey. According to the 2022 data of the Netherlands Statistical Institute, Turkish immigrants living in the Netherlands with 429,978 people constitute the largest ethnic group in the Netherlands after the Dutch. Therefore, examining the expectations, attitudes and preferences of these people, who are connected to Turkey by citizenship or lineage, regarding the health services they receive in the Netherlands and their level of access to health services is of close interest to both the Netherlands and Turkey. This is because many Turkish immigrants tend to prefer Turkey for further treatment after their initial diagnosis in the Netherlands. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods will be used together in the research in order to determine the factors that cause this and the effect of these factors on health service preference.
We congratulate our faculty member and wish him success.